RIJEKA – Iako je načelnica Samostalnog sektora za upravni i inspekcijski nadzor u socijalnoj skrbi Josipa Crnoja Bartolić još početkom studenog najavila da je Ministarstvo rada, mirovinskog sustava, obitelji i socijalne politike naredilo da se iz podržnice Kraljevica-Oštro […] Objava Tri su mjeseca prošla od tragedije u Oštrom. Djeca su i dalje tamo smještena, natječaj za ravnatelja poništen pojavila se prvi puta na Novi list.
Three months have passed since a tragedy occurred at a facility in Oštro, where a 15-year-old resident died after choking. The Ministry has decided to move the children from the facility, but no action has been taken to replace the former director, despite a recruitment process having been initiated. The article highlights the continued displacement of the children and the lack of progress in finding a new director.
Please let me know if you'd like more details or a deeper analysis of any specific aspect of the article.
Three months have passed since a tragedy occurred at a facility in Oštro, where a 15-year-old resident died after choking. The Ministry has decided to move the children from the facility, but no action has been taken to replace the former director, despite a recruitment process having been initiated. The article highlights the continued displacement of the children and the lack of progress in finding a new director. Please let me know if you'd like more details or a deeper analysis of any specific aspect of the article.